Tool and die makers in India | Plastic Mould Manufacturer

From Failure to Success



FOUNDER: Hongyi JIG Rapid Technologies Co., Ltd.

My Journey as a Product Development and Injection Mold Entrepreneur

My journey as an entrepreneur started in 1995 with the establishment of “Jagdeep Industrial Graphics,” a product design company that offered a range of services, including product styling, engineering design, reverse engineering, part calibration, and tool design for injection moulds, press tools, and die casting dies.


However, it was not until 1999 that I realized that I needed to expand the business and venture into the injection moulds manufacturing industry. In 2000, I established “JIGTECH,” a small tool room equipped with basic facilities, including a VMC machine, to support the new venture.


The product design company was received positively, and I decided to outsource a few moulds from Delhi NCR. As an engineer, I was diligent in ensuring the quality of the moulds and their trial samples in terms of assembly and inspection. The response was fantastic, and orders started pouring in.


One such order was worth 8.9 Million rupees and required us to manufacture a number of injection moulds. The lead time for the completion of the moulds was three months. I was in close communication with the tool manufacturing company, but on the third month, I was heartbroken to realize that there was still a lot of work pending, and I couldn’t meet the delivery timeline. The thought of disappointing my customer who had placed such a big order filled me with immense worry and embarrassment.


The delivery date came, and I failed to deliver the moulds. I had to face my customer’s anger and frustration and promise another delivery date, only to fail again. I felt helpless and alone as the tool maker I had outsourced to was unorganized and kept giving me false delivery dates. Every day, my credibility was decreasing, and I couldn’t escape the feeling of utter failure. Eventually, 16 months later, I received the moulds and delivered them to my customer.


The next blow came when the moulds failed during production, causing multiple issues in part ejection and assembly fitment. I was at the height of embarrassment, and I didn’t have the means to repair the moulds. Returning them to the same tool maker was not an option.


My customer, however, managed to repair the moulds, but I couldn’t face them. I realized that the cost they had paid was not only for the moulds but also for the loss of business revenue and time.


I learned that just because you know how to manufacture moulds doesn’t mean you can run a mould manufacturing business. The two are completely different things. I held myself accountable for the failure and felt a deep sense of regret and sadness.


In 2005, I started learning about relationships and communication, realizing that my first failure was my lack of communication with both the tool maker and my customer, which had resulted in the breakdown of my relationship with my customer and the loss of trust in the tool maker.


I then decided to train myself in business operations and enrolled in various institutions and courses, including Human Resources, Operation Management, SPIN Sales, and Marketing. I have never stopped learning since then, and I have attended countless training sessions.


These efforts eventually led me to establish “Hongyi JIG Rapid Technologies Co., Ltd,” a system-oriented company that partners with structured tool makers from Germany, Taiwan, China, and Korea. Over the years, I have developed a number of flow charts to define the micro-steps involved in tool making and have learned from the heads of procurement of various successful companies and business owners.


During this period was our development period. And we met you. 


Today, I am working on a system-oriented approach and developed software name “SETU” dedicated to product design and injection mould manufacturing processes that provides clear, transparent working mechanisms to our customers and directional guides for our employees, optimizes the work progress of our vendors. 


At times, my loved ones tell me that I am driven by emotions in my career, due to an initial setback. However, I am perfectly fine with it. My priority is not to make the most money, but to make the product development and injection mold development process more meaningful and practical, so that our customers can benefit in three ways.


  1. Save a substantial amount of money that is usually wasted in product development.

  2. Save at least 45% of the time in product development, allowing them to launch their product ahead of schedule.

  3. Introduce world-class products and establish a dominant presence in the international market.


My mission is to streamline and simplify the process of product development and injection mold development for SME entrepreneurs, making it more efficient and cost-effective. I hope to help these businesses save time and money in their development projects, enabling them to increase their production and contribute to the growth of the “Make in India” initiative, generating wealth for both the country and its youth.”



Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sparing your time and showing genuine interest in reading my story


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